Intentional design reflects the creativity and storytelling that come to life through an alignment with personal values and aesthetics. This idea of design rooted in a higher purpose elevates the importance of the role of design in our lives. Let's look at the clues and how they can contribute to intentional design.
OCT 11, 2021, 10:08 5PM
The idea of an authentic home, its comforts assembled and brought into focus by orchestrating one’s uniqueness into living spaces has its own thoughtful narrative that reflects the personality of its homeowner.
A Higher Purpose than Aesthetic Consumption
In our quickly changing living environment, now, more than ever, the reality of today’s wish for calm and pleasant spaces to live in corresponds with home becoming a powerful sanctuary in offering deeper emotional rewards. These days we are all seeking comfort from home. The Coronavirus pandemic has changed everything. In general, the home has evolved beyond being the place where we live to the place where we work, exercise, and much more.
Our surroundings have a very real impact on our wellbeing----from how we feel, act and what we do and how we do it. This knowledge of how our bodies react to the environment around us can help us elicit impactful results by leveraging the power of intentional design---foster purposeful actions to honor what's important to us----key to the essence of home and lifestyle with intentions.

A room enriched with a beautiful narrative depicting refuge and comfort at home. the creativity and storytelling that come to life through an alignment with personal values and aesthetics.
Key to Intentional Design: Embrace Your Own Style
A home should encourage us to be who we are. Well designed spaces can be impactful when aligned with our own ideals----a home that resonates with its homeowner's personality infuses a unique story and a little bit of magic while it makes moment of rest all the more restorative. To create a home requires an emotional connection in order to ensure a sense of belonging. Working with our favorite objects, colors, shapes, and materials set the stage to design our home room by room with impactful storytelling that reflects one's personality and spirit.
A sense of place beyond sheer visual appeal. Books and mementos always a must. Few items in the home hold as much sentimentality and knowledge as books.
What Makes a House a Home
This idea of an authentic home, its comforts assembled and brought into focus by orchestrating one’s uniqueness into living spaces has its own thoughtful narrative: the creativity and storytelling that come to life through an alignment with personal values and aesthetics. It's through this critical lens that we choose how we want our homes to speak to us vs. how we want them to look. Being intentional is key to the essence of home: a space that is so you. With this in mind, we have compiled a list of the most important values that can help to forge an authentic home.
Principles of Intentional Design: A Complete Picture
of the Authentic Home
An alignment with the choices that fit and convey the values and lifestyle of its inhabitants
Furnishings that reflect personal needs rather than their social pretensions, the fads of their time, or the taste of one's neighbours
A powerful sanctuary in offering deeper emotional rewards by engaging the five senses: sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste
A sense of place beyond just conveying aesthetic taste and preferences
Personal preferences vs. trending ideas and others’ opinions in your interior design choices
Sumptuous sophistication but never pretentious
Deliberate choices and thoughtful attention to detail
Compelling and characterful
Natural materials, muted colors and matte surfaces and textures
Wood, stone, and textured textiles
Serenity and a sense of comfort
Harmonious and relaxed
Inspiring and transporting
A memorable place like no other