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Zcollector Blog: A world of design that captures the art and soul of home

Where design and craftsmanship artfully converge.

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Contemporary Artworks

It is fascinating to witness how even the most classical of objects can evoke a dialogue with 21st century paintings. The communication which can occur between the world of the senses and the world of ideals builds clever bridges between periods and genres. This April, Zcollector presents a coveted assemblage of contemporary artworks that can evoke such dialogue. This unique selection comprises works from a broad range of collecting categories, including paintings, sculpture, art vessels, and jewelry. While each with its own thoughtful narrative, all share the common ethos in keeping with the calibre of fine craftsmanship: distinctive decor pieces that capture the imagination.


MAR 3 2022, 10:25 PM

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The Relationship Between Old and New is One of Interdependence

For without the influence of the new, interior decoration would wither to a museum state, but equally, were it not for the firm foundation of classic design with its tried and tested virtues, innovation would have difficulty taking root. So the two are essential to one another and it is their interaction and fusion that produces exciting, but sound, design.


American and International
Acclaimed Artists: From Photographers to  Painters to Sculptors, Ceramicists,
and Jewelers 

The selection provides a fascinating insight into the complexity and innovation that underscores these artists' creative prowess. Elegant and dynamic, it showcases considerable ingenuity and pioneering vision that defined their mature oeuvre. Zcollector invites you to discover the artworks here.

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